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In the customization is rappresented our offer to customers to realize at will prorpioa mesh that is in one piece, for a small group of friends or club / blogs or sites of motion
Our product range includes the base price of the mesh 42 or 47 Euros, depending on the fabric you choose, and the graphic design of € 20 must be fixed in our chart to open the project and reallizare appropriate modifications or the creation from scratch of the mesh to a limited time only the mesh will be offered in single head only 60 euro.
The same argument concerning the jackets with a total cost of € 110 .
The construction is from 1 to 100 pcs head of course with a substantial reduction in the price-
The following examples made for the rally scram Africa, surusauri, ANT, for UK championship with puch 125 of our pilot and various customers.